Preschool & Kids
We offer Preschool & Elementary Sunday School every Sunday at 9:45am. Children attend Worship with their families at 10:55am, but there is a preschool nursery provided during the church hour.
Mom's Morning Out is a ministry we offer monthly (August-May) from 9:00am-12:00pm for 2-4 year olds for $20.
Kids Night is each Wednesday from 6:00-7:30pm for Kindergarten- 5th grade and dinner is provided. Children are involved in music, crafts, games, and most importantly Bible study.
We offer Preschool VBS June 9-12 & WinShape Camps for Communities July 28-August 1 for completed Kindergarten-5th graders.

Our youth has Sunday School at 9:45am upstairs in our education building.
There will be no youth services on Wednesday nights at this time. There will be Sunday evening social events planned for the youth in the months to come.

College &
Young Adults
Our college and young adults group has Sunday School small group at 9:45am in the Thomas class each Sunday.
This group typically meets every other Thursdays at 6:30pm for prayer, social, and book study.

Men & Women
There is a men's breakfast every other Thursday morning in our fellowship hall at 7:30am.
Our Women on Mission (WOM) group meets the first Monday of the month.
Our next Women's Bible study will run Feb. 13th- March 6th from 10:00am-12:00pm at the Thomas home. The study is called "Create in Me a Heart of Peace." You can purchase the book on Amazon.
All ages are invited to Country Boys for a monthly lunch fellowship. Check the events page for the date!

Music Ministry
We have a worship team that rotates each Sunday and rehearses on Thursdays throughout the month. If you're interested in being a part of this ministry, contact our Music Director, Millie Seckel.

Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery meets EVERY Monday night. For more information, visit crquincy.com. If you have any questions, please email freedom@crquincy.com