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A Personal Message from our Pastor 


At First Quincy, our doors are open to all people regardless of where they are on their spiritual journey.  Our goal is to infuse God's love into people and families through engaging, powerful worship services that offer biblical truth in significant and practical ways. 


Together, we are striving to become the kind of church described in the Bible, where there's relevant teaching, heart-felt worship, constant prayer, and compassionate care.  It is our desire to have the kind of contagious Christianity that can influence and encourage the entire community, one life at a time. 


Our desire is to build His church; not our own.  We seek to glorify Him and attempt to influence others to do the same.  We are far from perfect, but we do believe that God is relentlessly working in our hearts and lives to conform us to the image of Jesus Christ. 


As followers of Christ, our purpose is to love God, love others, and minister to those in our world.  It is our passion to provide a place where people just like you can have a life-changing experience with God. 


We would love to get to know you!  We would be honored to have you join us for worship or any of our activities.


Blessings to You and Your Family!

Jeff Jackson 

Our Staff


Millie Seckel

Music Director 


Erin Peschl

Children's Director

Preschool & Kids

We offer Preschool and Elementary Sunday School every Sunday at 9:45am. Children attend worship with their families at 10:55am, but there is nursery provided for infants to preschool.


There is Mom's Morning Out one Tuesday each month (August-May) from 9:00am -12:00pm for 2-4 year olds for $20.00.


Kids Night each Wednesday from 6:00-7:30pm for Kindergarten-fifth grade with dinner provided. Children are involved in music, crafts, games, and most importantly Bible study. 


We offer Preschool VBS in June, and WinShape Camps for Communities in July for elementary students. 


Please join us this Sunday! Age-graded Sunday school classes begin at 9:45 AM and our worship service begins at 10:55 AM.




210 West Washington Street

Quincy, FL 32351

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Our youth has Sunday School at 9:45am in the youth room upstairs in the education building. 


There will be no youth services on Wednesday nights at this time. There will be occasional Sunday night activities planned for youth.


Our youth has Sunday School at 9:45am in the youth room upstairs in the education building. 


There will be no youth services on Wednesday nights at this time. There will be occasional Sunday night activities planned for youth.

Young Adults

Our college and young adults have Sunday School small group at 9:45am in the Thomas class each Sunday.


They also have bi-weekly Bible study & prayer in homes.


There is a men's breakfast that meets in our fellowship hall every other Thursday morning at 7:30am.


Our Women on Mission group meets the first Monday of the month.


We offer Women's bible studies a few times per year.

Music Ministry

We have a worship team that rotates each Sunday and rehearses a few times per month. See Millie Seckel if you'd like to be a part of the worship team.

Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery meets EVERY Monday night. For more information, visit If you have any questions please email

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